Own your interstellar freedom
Why choose a spaceship subscription?
All-in coverage
Insurance, maintenance and spaceside assistance included in a single monthly fee.
6 or 24 month subscriptions
Get that new spaceship feeling again and again and again.
Incredibly Simple
Get your spaceship subscription in just 5 minutes and leave the paperwork in the dust.
Subscribers love StellarShift
With our all-in spaceship subscription, there’s only open space ahead. Hear from our customers why they love flying with StellarShift.
“Never would I have imagined that getting a spaceship would be as easy as ordering a pizza”
“Never would I have imagined that getting a spaceship would be as easy as ordering a pizza”
You’re not convinced yet and have some questions? Check out what StellarShift subscribers are asking. If that's not enough, find all answers by contacting us.
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